Imarie Oberholzer

With the launch of the brand new Sonvelt Media series, Reënboogrant, we checked in with someone who has had an incredible journey. Imarie Oberholzer started training at PALI in 2020 and has proven to have many talents – she’s a talented Actress, very creative Writer and an incredibly experienced Script Supervisor… But with Reënboogrant, Imarie managed to prove herself capable in yet another role, that of a Director. At the age of merely twenty-two, Imarie forms part of this popular youth drama’s highly talented team of Directors. We checked in with Imarie to catch up a bit and to find out what the experience has been like.

When did you realise you would like to pursue a career in the entertainment industry?

It’s strange, my story is almost exactly the opposite of most other people’s stories. I never imagined myself in the entertainment industry. Growing up, I dreamed of being an author, and when I got to high school I considered the more practical route of studying law, but I never felt sure of it. Then, one day in matric, my dad sat me down and said, “I think you should study drama.” To which I replied, "Are you joking? And be a starving artist for the rest of my life?” Long story short, our conversation ended with me agreeing to look at drama programs. Less than a week later, I was invited to PALI’s open day, and it was only after attending that I really made the decision to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. I had drama as a subject in school, and had done one of the school plays, but I never actually considered it a viable career path until my dad had that conversation with me, and it’s something I will always be grateful for.

What is your favourite memory of your time at PALI? What was your favourite student production?

I have so many memories at PALI that it’s hard to choose one. My favourite production is easier to answer, it’s hands down Anna-Maria Davidtz van Dikdaan van Diepgezet. It was such a privilege to be able to perform, it’s such a beautiful story, told with so much love and care and understanding. I was proud to be a part of it, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the reactions everyone had watching it. I don’t think I really understood the ability that we have to move people, and to create images, and moments, and stories that will stay with them and, I guess, haunt them, until we performed that play. As for my favourite memory, the one I’d have to choose was a Voice class that we had at night, during loadshedding. We were doing a vocal exercise where, seated in a circle on the floor, each of us had to make a sound or beat, until it became this ridiculous cacophony. There was something really silly, but really magical to me in that moment.

"...this industry is so much bigger... than you can imagine.

You are currently working as one of the Directors on the Showmax series Reënboogrant. Are you enjoying the experience? What is your favourite part of being a Director?

Being a part of Reënboogrant has been incredible. I am so grateful and proud to be apart of such a professional, well-put-together production. It’s my first time directing professionally, so there’s still a lot that I’m learning and I think I still have a lot of room to grow. I really like how collaborative the process is. It may sound cheesy, or cliché, but to be able to create worlds, characters and stories, to bring them to life and to give them something relatable and likable, and to not have to do that alone, but to get to do that with a talented cast and crew? It’s insane. It’s a big responsibility, to be entrusted with a story like Reënboogrant, even only in part (I will always be grateful to our Key Series Director and Producer, André Velts, for entrusting me with it), but it’s one that I bear gladly. 

Do you have any advice for aspiring artists?

My advice to aspiring artists would be to not limit yourself. It’s good to have specific dreams and goals, but this industry is so much bigger, with so many different opportunities, than you can imagine. Don’t think that any opportunity is beneath you. Being Super Woef, the superhero dog, for 5 kids at a kindergarten somewhere in Joburg is as worthwhile as being one of the Directors for a Showmax production, or being a clown in front of the Market Theatre, or acting in a film. (Trust me, I have done all of the above). Grab the opportunities that are presented to you, even if all that may come from them is that you’ll have a good story to tell. That, and not to get lost in it. As big and exciting and important as storytelling is, we should remember that it is just that, storytelling. Everything will be okay.


Catch brand new episodes of Reënboogrant weekly on Showmax and every Friday on kykNET.