Luandri Reynders

Since her graduation from PALI in 2017, Luandri Reynders has managed to build a name for herself in the entertainment industry at a rapid pace. From playing on stage in the Andre Stolz production My Japan to television work in both Binnelanders and 7de Laan to pushing boundaries in films like ‘n Man se Plek – Luandri Reynders has shown her skills as an actress with a diverse range of work. We recently checked in with Luandri to catch up a bit.

What is your favourite memory of your time at PALI?
My favorite memory while studying at PALI was the joy of having one big happy family. All of us spent so much time together - the first years, second years and  third years. We were all incredibly good friends we supported each other, we helped each other where we could. We would sit together and get some random scenes, work through it and learn as much as we possibly could. We wanted to spend time together the entire time because we were all the best friends.  And I really miss that time because now we are all working in the industry - which is amazing! We are all so fortunate, but I miss that time when all of us could just get together. Sometimes I really just wish that I could be a student again to experience it all over, because it was some of the best years of my life.

What was your favourite student play?
My favorite play that is a difficult one… I had the opportunity to act in so many plays while I was studying at PALI, but I think two stood out to me. The one was Discreet that I did in my second year with Rikus Strauss for an examination and the other one was Plekke that we did in my third year for end year show. We had so much fun rehearsing that play.  I loved it so much.

What is the most important skill you need as an actor?
For me personally, I think the most important skill that you need is to understand people and to have empathy towards different types of people. You’re not always going play a character who thinks or acts the same as you would in your personal life.  You need the ability to understand why people act the way they do, why they respond to certain things the way that they do. That is the only way that you are going to be able to tell people’s stories the best way you can.

"... you should never measure yourself up to anyone else."

Do you have any other skills that can provide you with an income other than acting?
I struggled with this while I was studying at PALI, because we had to create a business model and figure out a way to provide a second income and I didn’t know what else I wanted to do. Finally I just picked up my camera one day and I started playing around with the settings and I realized that I really enjoy photography - so that is a skill that I am working on and has generated a second income for me.

What advice do you have for aspiring actors?
The best advice that I can give aspiring actors is that you should never measure yourself up to anyone else. Your journey is not going to be the same as someone else’s . Sometimes it’s really difficult, because you put in a lot of work and you give everything for an audition, but you just don’t book the job. It does at times affect how you think about yourself and your capabilities… But there’s no way that you can possibly fail if you keep working hard. I just think that you should never get discouraged if you don’t book jobs immediately or constantly. But while you’re auditioning and trying to get an opportunity, generate a second income and create work for yourself. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer, but if you really want be in this industry you will find a way and make it possible.