Righard van Jaarsveld

In 2022 Righard van Jaarsveld landed the role of Tommie in the popular kykNET telenovela, Diepe Waters. In that same year he also played Danie in the André Velts film, Vuurdoop. Still a third year student at the time, Righard managed to complete his course at PALI while filming. In the two years since graduating, Righard’s career has truly gone from strength to strength. Earlier this year he received a nomination for Best Supporting Actor in a Feature Film at the kykNET Silwerskermfees for the brand new Simoné Pretorius film, Som van Twee.

We recently checked in with Righard to share some stories and advice.


When did you realize you would like to pursue a career as an actor?

From a very young age, I started doing Drama. When I was 13 years old, I performed in my first school production. That was also the first time I was ever on stage (acting) and as I went through high school I always did drama and took part in tienertoneel every year. I think that’s where the love of storytelling became part of me. When I was in high school, I never thought that I would pursue acting as a career, but I came across PALI and that changed everything for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always wanted to be in the entertainment industry, but never thought it would be acting. I met all my wonderful facilitators at PALI and the stories they told us excited me. The reasons why they are actors gave me a reason to become one. I want to make a difference in someone’s life just like they made a difference in mine. Whether that’s on screen or on stage or in a classroom. I personally feel that everyone deserves to feel how it feels for someone to make such an impact in your life.


Do you have a favourite memory of your time at PALI? What was your favourite production that you took part in?

My favourite memory of PALI has to be my first year end year show. I will never forget Erik Potgieter, Kaz and I were building the set for the third year production (Boeing Boeing). It was 1a.m. in the morning, only the three of us and the sounds of a drill and a grinder. Kaz called us to help him drill something into a door and the next moment the drill got stuck on a screw and rotated Kaz upside down. His glasses were skew, his body around the drill, but his cigarette was still in his mouth. In that moment, Erik and I (scared first years) didn’t know if we were allowed to laugh or not, but we let it out and there we were - me, Erik and Kaz, 1 the morning, laughing our asses off. Best memory ever. That was my favourite PALI production ever. Everything was a blast.


How did you experience the jump from student life to being a young professional?

The word scary describes it all. PALI taught me so much about the industry. From proper manners, to hitting your mark, to being on time, to making a good cup of coffee and even the jump from student life to young professional. But there’s a thin line that nobody can ever teach you and that is “what life’s really about”. There are some things that you just have to learn the hard way and the hard way is scary. Somewhere in your life, you will learn it. There’s no classroom, course, person or university that can teach you the reality of becoming an adult. Did PALI prepare me to cope in those situations? Without a doubt. 


Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

Have a thick skin. Be kind. Be proud of your friends. Enjoy it. Make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons and last, but not least, feel all the emotions. If you are sad because you didn’t get a part, be sad. If you are jealous of your friend getting the part, be jealous, but give them a hug and congratulate them. They are in the same position as you. Be proud of yourself and trust God.


Som van Twee will be released in cinemas early in 2025.

Catch Righard in Diepe Waters, weekdays at 18h30 on kykNET.